The suitable Vastu of an apartment can be derived from different parameters such as the position and movement of the Sun, the relative motion of the moon, the direction of the wind, atmospheric parameters like temperature, pressure, etc., climatic and seasonal changes, horoscope of the owner or builder, flow of energies and radiation in the apartment, magnetic fields and other invisible forces, location of the source of water, the colour used in the apartment, textures, obstructions, damage in the apartment, etc, etc.
Direction is considered as the most important factor in Vastu and hence it has been divide into 4 major and 4 sub directions. The 4 major directions as we know are East, West, North, South and the four Sub- directions are Northeast (Eshan), Southeast (Agneya), Southwest (Nirutya/Nairutya), Northwest (Vayaya). The 9th direction is the top perpendicular direction to all these 8 directions called the space (Akash or Mahaakash) and the 10th direction is considered as the bottom perpendicular direction as hell (patal).
North is governed by Kuber; the deity of wealth and prosperity. The planet attached to this direction is Mercury (Buddha). As per the magnetic poles, the magnetic field lines flow is from north to south direction and we also know that the field lines originates from positive and descends on the negative side. This implies that the north is a source of positive energy and the apartment or flat having a north entrance will always be positive, abundant, open to possibilities, more into giving rather than taking, etc. etc. The geographical north is also 10 to 12 degrees apart from the magnetic north. So, the 1st quadrant 2/4 or 3/4 position is considered as the best position for the entrance.
South is the bank of all good energies of North. It is at that end where the magnetic field lines disappear. Hence there shouldn't be big openings on that end. This direction is governed by the planet Mars (Mangal). Hindu deity residing in this direction is Yam; the deity of death. Yam is always considered as the taker of lives. So, there will always be more of a taking element rather than the giving one. Therefore, the south entrance is contemplated as impoverished or enervated and is always closed mostly. However, there's one section of the 4th quadrant(Southeastquadrant) i.e. the 4/4th section which is considered auspicious and can be taken into account when planning for a south entrance. Implying the 10 to 12 degrees tilting rule between geographical and magnetic south. the 4/4th section is that point where the magnetic south rests. This magnetic south is that point where all the mag lines submerge making it the best receiving section.
The East direction is powerful. The deity residing nearby is Indra; the deity of rain and thunder adjacent to the deity Surya. The direction is governed by the biggest celestial body of the solar system; the Sun (Surya). Sun has the highest impact in each and every term from all other planets. Hence making this direction the strongest of all. Sunrises in the east and therefore, the east direction is always lighted, kept more open, clean, etc. Some of the best Vastu apartments give more openings in this direction mostly. Making heavy walls, staircases, accommodating a toilet in this direction is considered as an offence in the Vast rules. East is considered as the best for entrance.
The West direction is where the sun sets and hence it symbolizes stability in life. Varun; the deity of Rain, fame, fate resides in this direction as per Vastu Purusha Mandala. Saturn (Shani) is the governing planet of the west. Big openings in this direction will result in the dissipation of the solar energy stored from the east. As an entrance, you can go for the west. However, entrance in the north-west quadrant will be better than the south-west quadrant. In the Vastu Purusha Mandala, the deities residing in the west side padas are Raga, Yama, Sesa, Asura, Varuna, Pusya, Sugriva, Nandi and pitara. So, the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th padas are considered good for the entrance when compared to an east entrance.
As per Vastu Purusa Mandala, the Northeast direction (Eshan kon) is governed by Isa; another name of Shiva. The representative planet for this direction is Jupiter (Brihaspati). It is the most dominant direction if considered in terms of Vastu. Irrespective of your horoscopes and psychology, it has its own piousness in providing a positive mentality, a creative perspective for every action performed there. The magnetic axis starts from northeast to south-west making it the rejuvenating source of positivity. The best place for a water source can be dug in from here. The best corner for worship and the best place for concentration and creativity is found in this direction only. Being ruled by the water element it is also recommended to water fountains in this corner. It is also important to leave much open space in the Northeast direction as it is a beneficiary source of rain, wind and sunlight combined.
The Southeast direction (Agneya Kon) is the place of the fire element owned by the fire deity; Agnidev. The representative planet for this direction is Venus (Shukra). Scientifically, this is that quadrant where the sun is in its hottest phase making it suitable for fire-related works. Anti elements like water and wind shall not be taken in from this corner. The use of the Southeast is a delicate matter and planning should be very precise while designing this corner.
The Southwest direction (Nirutya/Nairutya Kon) is owned by Pitarah and the corresponding celestial body for the southwest is Rahu. Rahu is the north lunar node (ascending moon) and along with Ketu is considered as a shadowed moon in eclipse. magnetic energies flowing from the northeast meet in this quadrant. Southwest if planned properly can give health, wealth and prosperity in abundance. Being governed by the earth element, the Southwest ground level must be a little higher than the other corners. Southwest must be enclosed with thick walls with proper ventilation. A proper room for the owner or master of the dwelling. Bad southwest can affect mentally causing trauma, stress, depression and anxiety.
Northwest corner (Vayaya kon) is governed by the deity Vayudev; the God of winds. The celestial body in this direction is the moon. The wind being the element of abundance there, can make this place a li'l unstable. It shows 315 degrees in the directional compass. This direction is good for gardening and plantation, good for balconies and open-air spaces but not a good place for storage, basement or water source. The kitchen is a strict no in this area. However, considering many salient Vastu rules we can also change the plans for the benefit of the owner.
Below are certain broad points about Vastu compliance you all should check before buying an apartment.
1. Society Vastu: Entrance of society, facing of the society, placement of generators, positions of swimming pools, the position of water source like boring or sump/tank in the Northeast corner and position of the sewerage unit, soak pit, drains in the Northwest, North or West direction etc. Northeast is never an option for stairs, guard's room or servant's room. Ask for the complete layout of your apartment from the builder or owner. Check the orientation of the whole apartment as well as your flat.
2. Vaastu of your apartment: Parkside facing flats, roadside facing flat, Maha Dwaar exalted, Balconies directions in East direction or North direction, North / Northwest / East / 4th block of Southeast quadrant facing entrance mostly. The Northeast corner must have the pooja room where deities are to be shrined. Keeping kitchen, toilets, stores and servant room in this corner is not accounted good. Southwest corner must be picked for the master bedroom where the head of the family will reside. West or south is also preferred for drawing or hall. The Northwest corner can be for study/ childrens' rooms/ drawing room/ living area/ hall/ guest room etc. Bathrooms must be present in the south or west direction only. The kitchen is to be present in the southwest direction as it is the fire element corner of the flat. The most preferable positions of windows are in the east or in the north direction. Windows opening inwards is a must check in houses using traditional window design. Based on Pada Vinyasa, Veethi vinyasa and Marma sthaan the planning of the house is done. Along with that Ayadi Shadvarga calculation is done.

3. Ownership hand: The house must be newly painted, check the history of the previous owner, Vastu Pujan or Grihaprabesh puja is to be done before dwelling in any house. Make this a strict point not to use old owner's left belongings, etc. If you are buying an old apartment always check for cracks, seepages and leakage areas, functioning of the switches and sanitary wares. If there's any electrical appliance installed do check its functionality also. Do a well to do repair if you find any issues in the above-mentioned points.
5. Grihnada Vastu ( House owner's compatibility)- Compatibility between the Nakshatra of the house owner and house, test for determining body constitution (Vata-Pitta-Kapha) of the house owner and the results based on the same - such as which bedroom is auspicious for him, etc. Suggestions based on the Job of the house owner and Ekayoni checks based on the same. etc. The matchmaking of the land horoscope and the owner's horoscope is also done for better results.
6. Antarika Vastu (Interior design )- - Results based on the placement of Cot, Chair, washbasin, fridge, AC, etc. Within each room inside the house are taken into consideration in this section. Positions and orientations based on each element inside the house are considered using Vastu principles only. The use of paint, colour selection, wallpaper shapes, etc are also depicted based on the Vastu principles.
7. Muhurtha- In Vāstu, an auspicious moment with the best Muhurta is selected for each stage of work to be started. Such a Muhurta itself gives long life to the construction. Starting work without auspicious Muhurta is just like giving treatment to a dead. One can conclude that however well the building might be constructed as per the principles of Vastu if the important Muhurta combinations are not achieved to the owner is likely to suffer the effects of bad Muhurta as enunciated and outlined. A proper Muhurta should be made use of; otherwise, the very purpose of big projects is likely to be lost. Proper muhurta must be observed so that the Vāstu constructed on such land would last long. The muhurta must be selected on astrological rather than religious considerations. While selecting a muhurta, the astrological principles rather than religious ones should be observed very carefully.
After saying all these points, I would also like to conclude by saying that no direction is good or bad, it's the house planning based on the utility which either makes it good or bad. So, as per my recommendation whenever you choose to buy an apartment/ flat/ simplex or duplex for your dwelling always consult a Valid Vastu Consultant. If that's not happening then at least shortlist some salient points from this blog and do a crosscheck with the house you are going to buy. It is not a matter of days or months, it will be a lifelong asset that will have direct interaction and influence in your life. So choose wisely! IF you have any doubts regarding any issue, you can consult with me by sending me a comment on this blog or just pinging me will do.
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