
The Alphabet-verse

The English language is widely used on the third planet of our solar system and has become the language of the world within a few decades due to the ease of understanding and flexibility. This language has grown over the years by updating itself with time and space. New words, new usabilities, worldwide acceptance, increasing number of writers, publishers, editors, media people using this language has indeed made it the most used and the most popular language in the world.
Starting from your electronic gadget's working language to your shirt's brand tags, everywhere you will find the English alphabets conglomerating together to present a meaningful emotion.

And the English language is backed by the malleable rules and ever-improving regulations of the English grammar. As per Wikipedia,"English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. So, to know English we need to know the English Grammar as in to know the technology we need to know the science behind it.

English Grammar has given us few magics in the realm of English like abbreviations, idioms, palindromes etc. Such a new magic is "The Alphabet- verse".
The meaning of a verse in noun form is a line of poetry or a rhythmic arrangement of words, sentences or stanzas. "If you can make meaningful sentences with words all starting with a common letter or alphabet then the sentence belongs to that alphabet-verse". Here's an example of E-verse, "Echoes enter ears ensuring enigma elevating elements especially erudition".

So, the definition of an alphabet-verse or alphabetic-verse is; " An alphabet-verse is that meaningful sentence which has a combination of words all starting with a common alphabet". It can be also termed as, "The repetition of the first letter in all of the words of a meaningful sentence".

Few more examples of the alphabet-verse are written below.
A-verse:- Ants ate apples.
B-verse:- Boys bowl balls.
C-verse:- Cats catch crabs.
D-verse:- Dogs don't dance.
E-verse:- Elephants eat easily.
F-verse:- Friends find freedom.
G-verse:- Guns give gestures.
H-verse:-Hands held high.
I-verse:- Ink implies illusion.
J-verse:- Jokers judge juries.
K-verse:- Kings keep kerchief.
L-verse:- Listeners love lectures.
M-verse:- Men make machines.
N-verse:- Navy never neglects.
O-verse:- Officers obey orders.
P-verse:- Poison paralyze patients.
Q-verse:-Quantity questions quality.
R-verse:- Rain render rainbows.
S-verse:- Scientists sleep seldom.
T-verse:- Talent talks.
U-verse:- Uncles use underwears.
V-verse:-Vikings vows.
W-verse:-Warriors win wars.
X-verse:-X xeroxed X-rays.
Y-verse:- Yoga yields youthfulness.
Z-verse:-Zombies zapped zebras.

These verses if constructed well can be also regarded as a poetic device. This has created a huge space in the writer's perspectives. There are certain literary devices like alliteration, anadiplosis, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, parachesis, tautogram etc. which are very fascinating to study. In fact alliteration, somewhat resembles the alphabet-verse but it's different.

As per Wikipedia, Alliteration is a figure of speech and a stylistic literary device which is identified by the repeated sound of the first or second letter in a series of words, or the repetition of the same letter sounds in stressed syllables of a phrase. But at times it uses prepositional and postpositional phrases which starts with a different letter, hence distinguishing it from the alphabet-verse. We can say that when an alliteration has a common first letter in the series of words then the sentence formed, can be termed as an alphabet-verse of that letter. 

Anaphora is a rhetorical device which also resembles the Alphabet-verse but it's the repetition of sentences in a particular poetry, story or any other writing piece.

Common try and find more and comment below. Let's also see who makes the biggest alphabetical-verse. Good luck.


1 comment:

  1. Passionately praising, phrases poetically...


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