Puzzled till now, we the most advanced species of the planet
earth, seek for answers of our existence. Many theories hover around
temporarily quenching our thirst for answers. Yet we are still searching for
the right one to fit in the history books. The Big bang, Darwin’s theory of
evolution, Einstein’s theory of relativity, are some of the best among all which fits well
to the blanks but there are millions more yet to prove, to pack the huge gaps
and voids and this is what fuels us to churn again and again to deduce the
right ones.
If there would be a universal encyclopaedia or a search
engine or a library even with that one book holding all the answers of the FAQs
and RAQs, then it would be very easier to get all our queries. But I am sorry
to say that this book of life is not published yet or perhaps kept hidden by
the gods for their reference only.
Why we are here? Where
do we come from? When everything started? And when everything is going to end?
, these are some of the enduring questions that boggle our mind from centuries.
Still we run forward to find their answers. It’s part of a human nature to fill
all the blanks and solve all the problems unknown of the fact that there are
infinite to fill and infinite to unfold. We might know about a PPM of a drop
from the ocean around us but we say Google knows everything. Perhaps Google is
even unaware of its limits!
Talking broadly,
when something is created then it is likely to be destroyed. Nothing lasts
forever. May be it will take millions of year to die but death is a must and so
the question arises, how and when the end will meet the human race? Not only humans but everything around us can’t
escape the ultimate fate of their demise. The whole universe will also vanish
away slowly and gradually and there will be no more questions to answer, but
perhaps new ones may arise.
Speaking about when, the most ferocious definition in the
syllabus of science, “TIME” pops in. Scientists set expeditions for finding
that one equation telling the whole story of our existence but none of them
conquer the limitations of time and life span. However there is someone who
lost voluntary controls over his body but managed to write the brief history of
time. He is none other than Dr. Stephen Hawking and his book “A brief history
of time” revealed many secrets about it.
The fundamental unit of time, defined as the radiation
frequency at which atoms of the element caesium change from one state to another,
makes a second. There are 60 seconds in one minute and 60 minutes adds up to
become an hour. A day is the 24 hours it takes our planet to rotate once on its
axis. Our months are based on 29 and half days it takes the moon to wax and
wane in the night sky. A year is 365 and a quarter days, in which the earth
orbits once around the sun. It takes 250 million years to make just one circuit
of the Milky Way by our solar system and in comparison, in the entire history
of the human race, we have travelled less than a tenth of one percent of that
orbit. That’s how time scales us; like spots in a large infinite cloth.
Something similar is very familiar to our eyes in the night
skies. There are many white spots in the dark space which are the treasure
house of vast knowledge. They have latent libraries of all those answers what
we seek for. But it’s not so easy to get into the libraries whose temperatures
are apparently 5000 degree Celsius or even more. Yes, I am talking about stars.
As per the Big bang theory by Sir George Gamow, these stars were the first to
be born and a new era began, the stelliferous era. Since they have ancient
origins, they are the rightful choice for vivid examinations.
The big bang
theory has actually sorted out the problem of creation, how we are created, how
the elements are formed, how elements combine to organics and correspondingly
Darwinism gave us the idea of evolution. At least we can presume that we know
few answers but after all these are just theories.
Without turning the pages of history, how can this come to a
conclusion? Ultimately history teaches us many things related to our existence.
As one of the theories described by Boshongo people of Central Africa tells
that the great god Bumba out of stomach ache vomited up the Sun, humans and
other creatures. This is quite baseless and superstitious but there still souls
present in the world who believes this story.
Bishop Usher deduced
that the first day of creation began at night fall Sunday October 27, 4004 BC
in his book ‘The Book of Genesis’. Refinement by others further pinpointed this
to 9 am, London time. Some others said it to be created on midnight in the
Garden of Eden. They also said we are created by the gods as their most
resembled replicas. They created us because they needed admirers to appreciate
what they did. In return hilariously St Augustine Hippo, a great philosopher
asked “What was God doing before he made the world? Was he preparing hell who
asked such questions?”
The Islam religion, being the second largest religion in the
world believes that the whole universe has been created in 6 yawm (days) by Allah,
however these 6 days were equated with 50,000 years or even more. It is quite
astounding that Islam assents the modern Big bang and expansion theories of
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Lord Vishnu and Brahma emerging from his navel |
The greatest
intellectual figure of Western history, Aristotle told universe is eternal; it
has neither beginning nor end but existed forever. The most disciplined
religion, Buddhism also preaches that the beginning of this world is inconceivable,
is no reason to suppose that the world had a beginning at all. The idea that
things must have a beginning is really due to the poverty of our thoughts”.
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The Parallel Universe Theory |
All these stories about our creation are as diversified as
our thoughts. No matter what will be the truth, what matters is belief, what do
we believe in; the strength of our faith pillars sinks our confusion and helps
us to choose one. Spinning your nervous from all the lines above, here I give
out the ultimate mantra which says never believe on others, believe what you see
and rest faith on that to survive in such a multi-verse.
nice one sudeepto