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Initially, the class was like a morgue, but after few ticks, few hands were raised. Some of them answered very positively “To become a successful person”, few murmured with dubiety “To fulfill all of my parent’s dreams along with mine”. And the meritorious pupil and scholars summarized the whole lot and put forth as the answer to the set.
But following dissatisfaction to all these dilemma-tic explanations, he asked one more set. “After fulfilling all these things; your dreams, your parent’s dreams, what will you get? What will be the outcome?”
The answers came like; “I will be famous, popular among my fellow mates, my family members. All will adore me, love me, remember me etc, etc”.
But the streak of dissatisfaction continued, and again with his interrogative mode on he asked “After all these name & fame, what will you get individually? Tell me in a single word.
And the single word came out to be the happiness which not only satisfied the question mark on the teacher’s forehead but also clarified the confusion of setting the ultimate goal among the whole class.
Happiness is the only prime concern for which everybody rolls many papads in their lives. We do everything, even excrete to become happy.
We go for shopping, picnics, movies, parties, restaurants, tours, etc. generally to taste a small piece of the happiness cake. But if we glance in a more practical perspective the whole building of getting happiness will collapse down if we go on following these indirect methods. To grab happiness in our palms we need not go to huge malls, wear hefty and popular brands, travel to exotic locations etc. etc. But the baseline is very simple; Make others happy to get happiness to your court.
The most effortless way to get happiness is already known to all of us, but we don’t bother to follow it. We don’t like to touch our nose straight from the front, but we like to go around the head to get fingers on it.
If by just following a few tricks we can spread happiness then why not to implement it in our day to day life.
If by giving a phone call to parting friends or family, we can make them happy then just ring them. Get a list done to whom you want to make happy and then do a call or message them.
If a small like, share or comment on somebody’s status can give them the most valuable curve on their face then just do it. It doesn’t even subtract a single penny form your account but spreads happiness among others.
If by giving a surprise gift or doing a surprise recharge in the cell phone of your admirer, friend, family or even foe cheers them up, bliss them jollity then just do it.
The best way to spend your first salary is to give it among the people who are in need & are sweating to earn their everyday seeds. Just bestow it and you will have an inner beatitude.
If you got a Diwali bonus then just buy some crackers for the kids who don’t have enough money to buy them. You will definitely feel good about your deeds. You will see yourself in a much higher position than Mr. Gates even though you get an average salary.
Just plant a tree and you will make nature happy and in return, it will make your generations happy.
Happiness is not just a one-way flow, it flows to both the ends and that is what makes it never ending.
Concluding with a beautiful note which reads; “ We waste our life on things, we think could buy happiness until we realize the only way to buy happiness is to give happiness”.
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